Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ruthie's Favorite Game

The video is a little dark but I thought I'd share it anyways. Ruthie's newest favorite past time is putting objects into containers, any objects into any containers. It keeps her entertained for hours on end if I keep emptying the containers. She really concentrates and keeps trying until she gets the object all the way in. Enjoy the video!


Anonymous said...

What a hard worker! Way to go Little Miss Ruthie. Such concentration. Nice to hear the special touch of an encouraging mommy. Would you like to come help in my class.
love you all,
Grandma Jo

akamilby said...

Oh my she's a cutie! And she's working so hard! Good job Ruthie! I can't believe she can put paper in a basket Kates. I read what you wrote and I was thinking a block into a canister--paper into a basket is harder to fit. She's getting so big.

Michael and Jeanette said...

Very Impressive! I agree that is amazing that she is putting paper into a basket. What a fun game!

Michael and Jeanette said...

You asked her if she wanted to get it all out and start again??? Do NOT teach her that! Keep her with this skill-- this skill is PERFECT. Just get a hamper or bin to keep all the girls toys in, and at the end of the day, let Ruthie go to town! She can pick up the entire house nightly, make it spotless, and you will continously have a spik-n-span house with little or no effort. You're sittin on a gold mine here, don't ruin it; mine it! -Michael

Michael and Jeanette said...

And don't expect to hear from Becky on here anytime soon, because Maia and Jeanette just ran into her in the Portland airport... on her way to Hawaii. She'll be distracted for awhile. -M

Chad Clement said...

Do I sense some perfectionism like her father has? Very cute video. She is growing up so fast!