Saturday, March 14, 2009

Let's Party!

Wow, what a weekend we have had. Friday night and all day Saturday is our Sabbath, our family day, the day that we don't do the things we normally consider to be our work. Mitch doesn't do any school work, I let the dishes pile up (although we went into the sabbath with a pile of dirty dishes:), don't tell!) and we do the things that we find restful and enjoyable as a family. Sometimes what we find enjoyable is not always restful and we end our Sabbath more tired than we went into it, but at least we usually come out the other end feeling more connected as a family again and feeling like we got a break from the normal stressers of our daily life.
The girls got a new Djembe drum yesterday so our Friday evening was spent making music and dancing. The Djembe is what they wanted to get with the money that various people that love them had given them for Christmas and birthdays recently. They wanted this particular one because you can wear it around your neck and play while you dance or march. I can't imagine why my little girls would want a drum that they can dance with!? Mitch even pulled out his guitar last night! It has been good to see Mitch feeling not as exhausted and overwhelmed at this point in his semester as he has in every other semester. That has been one of our biggest blessing lately. Enjoy this little video from our evening!

Anna playing the Djembe:

After such a fun evening we decided to continue the fun and ended up going to the zoo today. It was enjoyable by all (I think Ruthie enjoyed her nap). It was Josie's first time to the zoo since she was old enough not to be sleeping through it all and I think the immensity of some of the animals was a new thing for her creative mind. Anna would have stayed all day if she didn't have a little sister who was ready for a nap by 1 pm.

What post would be complete without something about little Ruthie? Here's a little video of her laughing at her crazy mama. I love how she laughs with her whole body and how she laughs in anticipation of what is coming.

Here's a fun picture of Anna cutting mushrooms helping me make dinner the other night. She was so proud!

This is the end of our Sabbath, Daddy and Anna crashed out on the couch:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad that you got to the zoo. Josie is just the right age. I bet that Anna was telling her about lots of the animals. I have never heard of a djembe drum. It is so beautiful and colorful that it looks like you got it at the zoo. What a fun age for Ruthie. I want to come play that game with her. Family fun, so glad you take the time. love you all, Mom