She's so beautiful. You all look beautiful. Welcome to the family, Maia.
Photos courtesy of Farrah Moser
A blog about daily life in the Clement house
She's so beautiful. You all look beautiful. Welcome to the family, Maia.
Photos courtesy of Farrah Moser
After I did more research I found out that I did every single thing they say not to do or else your jelly might not jell. Oh well. It looks beautiful! This was my very first canning experience, too, and I must say, I had a good time! I definitely learned some things not to do next time. If I care I think I can open some of the jars and fix the 'jelly', cook it some more, maybe get it to jell, and re-can it. We'll see. I might just like the syrup.
We also made Sourdough biscuits from the Little House Cookbook. We were hoping to have some jelly to go on them, but oh well. They were good! Notice the two biscuits in the front, one is Anna's and one is Josie's, they had fun forming them. We cooked some of them in the skillet and baked some, both ways were delicious. I would say we've kept ourselves busy the last two days. Good busy! Maybe tomorrow we'll just relax and play in our pool all day. Yes, we have a new pool, Jack and Caroline! More on that to come. But for now, I'm going to bed.
Ruthie's getting bigger all the time! She is a big girl and people always ask me how old she is and then are surprised that she is only 8 months. People also always comment on her blue eyes, they are a very intense blue and she always looks you straight in the eyes. She's got a few words now. She says Mama, Dada, Bye-bye, Night-Night and Anna. Those are all sounds that she makes, too, randomly in her play (ma-ma-ma-ma-ma...) but she knows how to use them according to their true meaning (when she wants me she says Mama and holds her hands out to me).
She connects waving with hi, bye-bye and night-night and if she hears one of those words will often start waving. She also connects waving with Mitch since she sees him come and go to work each day. When he leaves she says "bye-bye Dada" and says "hi Dada" when he comes home, always waving and grinning. The other day I asked her to say hi to Anna right after she got up in the morning. She waved at Anna with a big grin and then she started looking around the room and said "Dada?" Mitch had already left for work but she wanted to know where he was.
If she gets tired when we're out and about she asks to be picked up (Mama, with her hands up to me) and then when I pick her up she says "night-night" and starts waving to whoever we are with and then snuggles into me. Her other favorite motion right now is clapping. She loves to clap and especially loves it when we clap with her and say "Yay!"
She is quite the mimicker of sounds, even when she's not quite sure what they mean. Sometimes she will mimic 'I love you', which sounds something like "Ah wuh ooh" when she tries. She will mimic any sounds her sisters will repeat to her over and over (which they love to do).
Enjoy this little video I took of our sweet 8 month old. I was trying to get her to wave for us, and she does once, but the rest is just her playing and trying to get the camera.