A photo gallery of our action packed, fun filled day.
Anna's Kindergarten class went to Munson Farm Pumpkin Patch today and Josie, Ruthie and I got to tag along.
Stairstep sisters standing in the circle:
Ruthie found some corn!
"We have worms on our corn, Mrs. Kiley! Isn't that so cool! Mine has three worms!"
Class picture + Josie and a beautiful view of the mountains in the background. Can you beat the scenery around here? It doesn't get any better than a crisp Fall day (yes, it is Fall around here again), all the orange colors in the foreground, and the snow covered mountains rising up so close. Anna and Josie are in the middle row on the left, both in purple:
"I want this one, Mom!"
"That one's a little heavy for you, Ruthie, let me carry it"
Carving the pumpkin, cleaning out the goop inside:
Josie wanted to save and roast all the seeds for eating (anyone have a good recipe?):
The finished product, casting a ghoulish glow over our steps tonight:
Leaf pile fun this afternoon, Josie jumping in:
Anna's turn!
Bury me!
Where's Ruthie?
Anna, in her 'Nature Detective' costume complete with hiking stick, sun hat, good hiking clothes and shoes, magnifying glass, bag for treasures, creature identification booklet, bandanna turned cape that is covered in animal footprints for identification. (This Summer and Fall the girls have been earning their nature detective certificates by completing different activities at some of the Boulder Parks and Open Space areas around here. Their prizes arrived today in the mail, along with their certificate of completion saying they are officially Nature Detectives. Thus the Halloween costume featuring all the new prizes.)
Ruthie said she was a butterfly. Can you see the wings? What butterfly doesn't need a pink leotard and fuzzy purple hat?
Trick-or-treating around the courtyard! Josie was a ballerina (that was about her 5th costume of the day. The others were a Nature Detective, princess, pumpkin, and butterfly. Oh the fun of dressing up!)