That's right folks! Josie can ride a two wheel bike "All by myself with no help from Mommy or Daddy!" as she says. She is such a tenacious, determined little girl. It didn't bother her to be off balance at all as she was learning, she intuitively corrected each wobble from the very beginning and peddled through until she was balanced again, up onto the grass, through the snow, she just kept going! I just can't believe that I have a three year old who is riding a bike! Way to go, Josie!
I have to say, I am quite sold on the concept of a balance bike. We made Josie's training wheel bike a 'balance bike' for her a while ago (just took the training wheels off, a real balance bike doesn't even have any peddles) and encouraged her to practice all she wanted just 'riding' around with her feet on the ground. They pick up the balance of a bike so well that way, and it's a lot less work for mom and dad when they are ready to learn. About a week ago I started helping her ride and she just took off! Pretty exciting for this Mom and Dad (and Josie was pretty excited herself, I must say!).
Here's one more video if you want to see more:)
Congratulations, Josie! Welcome to the world of cyclists!