Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Snow Fun

A snow fort was called for today, since we actually have heavy wet snow that packs well (dry Colorado usually has fluffy powder snow that crumbles apart, not good for making anything.)
Anna, packing in the foundation while Mama made more blocks:
Josie, hard at work making food for the fort. This is a cake she's packing into the sled:
Tah-dah! Finished for today at least, it was dinner time. Anna is insistent that the walls go higher tomorrow. We'll see.
Stepping through the hula-hoop:
Hula hoop fun for A and J. Don't you always pull out your hula hoop when it's snowy out?
"Moon Cheese!"
Hula hooping queen:
Snow angel time for Anna:
We even had to bring in some benches for the snow fort, some log rounds we had in their playhouse on the south side.

Anna wanted you to see her hula hooping:

And Josie wanted her turn as well. It's a little tricky in the snow, as you can see.

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