Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Heavy Snow

Two days ago we were all running around barefoot, the girls were playing in the creek, laughing in the sun, 80 degrees.
Today, winter arrived.
We had to find all the coats and hats and mittens and scarves in a hurry from where I had tucked them for summer storage.
So many colorful leaves are still on the trees.
We had been enjoying the crispness of Fall, a bit of change every day, something new to discover as the earth was preparing for the change of the season.
The suddenness of this storm littered the ground with branches, huge limbs, cracked trunks of trees.
These little girls noticed and continued in their play, making use of overhanging branches to hide under and make a secret house. Don't worry, I didn't let them play underneath any trees today, but the supple, heavy laden branches of the bushes in the courtyard were home and hearth.

Josie is a nonstop blur. This pretty much captures her in her snow play:
The best part of my day was biking Anna to school as she lounged in the bike cart, chattering away about all the beauty she saw and heard around her. A fresh morning, a beautiful winter wonderland so incredibly different from the world a day before.


Jo Miller said...

wow, what a winter wonderland. I am imagining that fall will return for a while. I can't believe that the snow will stay for long. Must have been fun pulling Anna to school.
love you,

akamilby said...

Wow, that's how our winter arrived last year, but about a month later. All the leaves still on the trees is too heavy for the poor trees! What a change from your biking pictures on Mitch's birthday. That's a lot of snow!