...have been oh so full around here. Here's a glimpse of a few of our highlights.
Another birthday, Mitch turned 1:
We had neighbors over to celebrate with pumpkin pie.

Sweet Josie napping on the couch in her new dress made by Mema. I love how this little one falls asleep in the middle of whatever she is quietly doing during her rest time, never one to actually put down her book and decide to sleep.

Josie's leaf pile, leaves that she collected on our walk this evening. All three girls brought back so many colorful leaves. We are absolutely loving all the colors that are on the trees and carpeting the ground and filling the air.
My favorite fall moment happened the other day when it was quite blustery out and colorful leaves were literally raining out of the trees in our courtyard, filling the air with color. All the kids started running through them as they fell, screaming and laughing, caught up in the excitement of running through a downpour of leaves. It was a moment I think I will remember my whole life and will always bring a smile to my face.
Puzzles. All three girls at different levels working on and succeeding in doing puzzles, and then doing them again, and then again, and then again. I love watching them learn the skills needed for doing a puzzle and I love their excitement when they succeed. The whole family joined in a rousing "hip-hip-hooray!" for Ruthie when she finished hers for the first time.
Sweet Josie napping on the couch in her new dress made by Mema. I love how this little one falls asleep in the middle of whatever she is quietly doing during her rest time, never one to actually put down her book and decide to sleep.
Josie's leaf pile, leaves that she collected on our walk this evening. All three girls brought back so many colorful leaves. We are absolutely loving all the colors that are on the trees and carpeting the ground and filling the air.
Puzzles. All three girls at different levels working on and succeeding in doing puzzles, and then doing them again, and then again, and then again. I love watching them learn the skills needed for doing a puzzle and I love their excitement when they succeed. The whole family joined in a rousing "hip-hip-hooray!" for Ruthie when she finished hers for the first time.
Anna is making such incredible strides in her reading skills these days. She's actually starting to blend together the sounds of the letters she sees and has randomly read words on signs as we drive or walk around. So exciting! Such a huge life skill unfolding before our eyes.
Here's one more video I took this morning before ballet class, because Anna asked me to "take a video of us and post it on the blog!" These kiddos always make me laugh, they are so silly in such an impromptu and unselfconscious way.
The end of your sentence is cut off, and also I can't get the sound to play in your video. I'd love to watch it, if that can be fixed!
Are you homeschooling, or is Anna in school? Or just not yet?
Which sentence? They all looked fine when I checked from here. Don't know about the sound, it's working here.
We're home preschooling. Her birthday being in October she doesn't actually start Kindergarden until next year, when she's almost 6, the same as Mitch and I since we both also had October birthdays. As of right now we're planning on sending her to public school. Somedays we don't feel so sure, but that's the direction we're heading in for now. That's a huge topic! Schooling for kiddos...
I thought at first the last word in the video was Nat and I went hmm.. Mitch isn't spelling it right and I'm surprised he expects Anna to know that word. Those are pretty leaves, Josie. Do you play the harmonica in your hand too? What key is it in? Yay for puzzles and books! I would usually manage to slip my finger out and close the book with one final burst of effort right before falling asleep-- but falling asleep reading is the best way to fall asleep. Oh, and in both videos the sound is automatically set to off, so in order to hear it you have to turn it up. -Michael
Hope you had a good birthday, Mitch! Great job reading, Anna. That's impressive for someone that just turned 5. Your leaves, are so colorful, Josie. I think they make them different in Colorado. Although, I've seen some pretty ones in Kansas too. I enjoyed the pictures and wish you all a safe and Happy Halloween!!!
what fun videos. I love the rain hat. Anna is the 4th generation to wear the hat, so fun. Anna, we are reading a book called "Hat" in my class this week. You should come read it with us. You are doing just what we are doing. I am reading with my class one by one while the rest do centers. Love your stomping dance, Josie.
Blessings, Grandma Jo it is so funny, I always have to do these comments twice, cuz the secret letters don't show the first time.
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