-A creek for the girls to play in. Anna was in her bathing suit playing in the creek by 7:30 the first morning before the sun was up high enough to warm anything.

-Mitch's guitar music around the campfire with the girls playing along on whatever instrument suited their fancy.

-My brother joined us for a night! I've never seen more perfectly melted, toasted marshmallows than the ones he was doing! So nice to have an extra set of free hands to take care of all the logistics of camping with three girls, although those hands will soon be filled with his own little one due at the end of next month. Anna, Josie and Ruthie had a wonderful time with their uncle and I enjoyed getting to spend time with my brother. Thanks for your kind, playful, servants spirit, Michael.

-Anna and Josie hanging out a ton with Nora and Sam, off to who knows where. Josie told Sam while they were playing one day "I like hanging out wiff you, Sam."

-Dirt play! Away from all the plastic props of normal life in our culture the girls enjoyed just playing in the dirt, literally, and built their own 'campfires' out of wood they found and 'cooked'.

-Spontaneous little girl hugs.

-Hammock time! Mitch, Anna and Josie even took their afternoon nap in it one day.

-Kind, servant-hearted friends who did the dishes almost every meal for us. Thanks, Michelle and Rob!

-Sun screening up a little Josie, or at least rubbing in what she puts on. She loves her part in the sunscreen process, that tactile little one.

-Whittling. The ultimate 'I have time to spare and can just stand here and whittle' pasttime. Most people would sit, but it was Ruthie's nap time, so I didn't sit.

-Sun screening up a little Josie, or at least rubbing in what she puts on. She loves her part in the sunscreen process, that tactile little one.

-Whittling. The ultimate 'I have time to spare and can just stand here and whittle' pasttime. Most people would sit, but it was Ruthie's nap time, so I didn't sit.

-Morning coffee!

And oh so much more relaxing fun outdoors with friends filling our time.

And oh so much more relaxing fun outdoors with friends filling our time.
Two posts, and both well worth waiting for. What a fun camping trip. Did you go where we went together? Thanks for all your sacrifices this week so that Lynn could use your van. And I know you had to do something tricky to get Michael up there. So glad he got to see his neices and meet Miss Ruthie. Glad you had so many helpers. What did you whittle? I need to come camp with you all next year. Though I don't think that I will have my swimsuit on before it gets warm, brrrr...
love you,
Wow, what a lot of great pictures! I love that the girls are in their bathing suits first thing. And Josie's sunscreen face is precious. I love seeing you whittle--it looks relaxing. And how fun to see pictures of Michael too! Sitting around the campfire, and swinging in the hammock: that's like the epitome of good camping times. I'm glad it all worked out. Your sleeping bag looks like it was a hit, by the way. I hope you got to relax too Miss Kates. You definitely got some camera time--thanks from all of us who read your posts! You're a great photographer.
hi! me again! i noticed that there were pictures of me bet none of sam. i recommend if you are going to take any other picures with us , you should put sam in them. it tuns out i am the only one who cares
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