Some days mothering seems like the most intimidating of occupations, if you can even call it an occupation. A calling, a privilege, a fact of life and nature, a way of being... Today I looked at Anna and Josie and was struck by the weight and responsibility of raising them to reach their full potential as healthy individuals. I was wearing a bandana this morning, and of course they wanted to too. They mimick everything I do. They carry their dolls around in slings and moby wraps of their own making, they nurse their babies, they lay them down to sleep and lay with them, they cook and garden and take out their pretend compost... Their whole day is spent watching what I do, learning, taking it all in. What an incredible gift and responsibility. What a lot to live up to. The blessing of raising them is one of my greatest joys. But on the days that I am down or overwhelmed I feel sorry for them that they have to put up with me and all my quirks and I wonder what scars or disfunctions they will carry into adulthood with them. I guess that is part of being human. Part of being a part of a family. I just have to look at the smiles on their faces and the peacefulness of Ruthie's face as she sleeps in the sling and I find some reassurance in the pure joy of just getting to be with them today.
You are such a wonderful mother and I hope you know that. If your girls grow up to be just like you, they would be perfect. But of course the great thing about being a mom is watching how unique ech child is, and marveling at it. They won't be you, but you have instilled values in them (like the importance of composting, for example:) ) that they will carry with them. I know you already know all this--I mean it as an encouragement to you. Again, you're a wonderful mom, and they are so lucky to have a mom who is so thoughtful and caring, and who makes her decisions based on what is best for her three girls, not what is best for her. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Milby
This is my favorite blog. So keep the good times coming.
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