This Josie girl sure does love her Uncle Chad.
This is what relaxing on the couch at the Clement house is like:
You look like you want me to stop taking pictures and rescue you from the chaos, Chad!
Isn't this how you like to drink your beer?
Uncle Chad actually came to town to run the Bolder Boulder with Mitch this weekend. 60,000 people ran this year. That's a pretty big event for this town. Here the two of them are running, except you can't see Chad because one of the 60,000 wouldn't get out of the way for me to take a better picture. Or maybe I'm just a bad photographer. Sorry Chad.
What you can't see in that picture is that Chad has his left arm in a cast because he cracked one of the bones in his arm right by his elbow after a biking crash yesterday. Tough way to race, but Chad is one tough cookie. Congratulations, Chad, that is quite an accomplishment.
Here's a picture of two cuties watching the racers stream past:
And a photo shoot in the stadium after the race:
The Bolder Boulder ends in the CU football stadium and the last race of the day is a pro-race, mens and womens. That was fun to watch. Those guys can run!
The festivities conclude with a Memorial Day ceremony, complete with 21-gun salute, jet fly-over, flag carrying parachuters being dropped over the stadium and all somehow managing to actually land on the field (that takes some skill), taps, and a race awards ceremony.
Fun times at the Bolder Boulder with Uncle Chad.
And one last picture of Ruthie and Josie, just because.