Weekends always seem full around here, in a good way.
In the summer heat lots of time is spent at parks or in the creek as a family.
Anna and I went tubing down the creek past our house for the first time the other day.
Yesterday after church we headed to the park for a picnic with friends and spent most of the time jumping in and out of the creek.
But then those late afternoon thunderstorms come through and we duck back inside while the outside air cools off, the garden gets watered, and the thunder claps loud enough to wake the girls from a nap if they are sleeping.
This afternoon was Josie's date with Daddy. He takes either Anna or Josie on a date once a week and today was Josie's day. The other two always feel a little lost at first with their constant playmate gone. But they quickly find their feet and dive into play.
Today their request was for finger painting. Ruthie's first time.
Quite a tactile, gooey experience.
She ended up with paint everywhere-face, arms, hands, legs, belly, bottoms of feet, knees...

Then back inside they came, found their dollies and curled up in their
billum hammock rocking them to sleep. Bunk beds have many uses.

Then Daddy and Josie were back, stomping through the summer shower bearing treats for the rest of us. Josie is one who constantly thinks about and looks out for those around her. She can't go on a date with her Daddy and get to choose her own treat without wanting to also choose something for each of the other members of her family. Sweet spirit, sweet girl.

Special times with