Saturday, October 31, 2009
Family Sabbath
Anna's Bag

It turned out pretty cute! Anna had a lot of fun helping me make it, picking out which strip of material to use next, sitting in my lap while we sewed, guiding the material through the machine, pressing the button down for the back stitching, snipping threads... You name it, she did it, all with a huge grin on her face. All except depress the peddle to make the machine actually run, her short little legs can't quite reach and that seemed a bit too many things to think about all at once for a 4 year old anyway. Now we're on to the next project that came in the sewing kit, we'll share the finished product when we finally get it done.
The Big Storm

We even got to build a snowman! This was the first snowman I have been able to build since moving to Boulder 3 1/2 years ago. Our snow is always dry powder and crumbles apart in your hands. It won't pack, not even to make a small snowball. But this storm was much warmer than most and the snow was pretty wet. Excellent for building snowmen! As I was finishing the third part for the snowman Anna told me "And that's the chest, Mommy. Now you have to make the head." I, who thought I was already making the head, asked Anna how many body parts this snowman was going to have? She carefully counted: 1 -pointing to the bottom ball, 2-pointed to the next one up, 3-pointed in the air above the two already existing parts, and 4-in the air even higher up. "4, Mommy! Because I'm 4!" So there you have it, a 4 part snowman because we have a 4 year old in the house:
Pumpkin Carving and Painting

After we carved it I noticed that they had a bunch of paint at the next table over, so then we painted the pumpkin:
Very serious business: They kept painting for a long time. In the end most of the colors were all painted over with another color, too. He was a very colorful pumpkin.
As we were painting a storm was blowing in. It got quite blustery by the end and I rushed to get the girls in the car out of the flying debris and rain. The pumpkin had to wait until I could get back for him after the girls were safely in their seats in the van, so on top of the paint he got a good coating of dirt and straw that was flying around in the wind:
Birthday Pumpkin Pie

Pictures by Anna and Josie
Pillow Fight!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ruthie's Favorite Game
Monday, October 19, 2009
Fall Treasure Walk

Friday, October 16, 2009
All in a Days Work

And me? What did I do? I was definitely a participant in every one of the above activities, but I also got to make Pot Roast for dinner, Apple Crisp for dessert, had my own bike ride with the three girls to go pick up our milk, and I even had time to just sit on the warm porch before dinner. Just sit? When was the last time that happened? I couldn't tell you, but I sure enjoyed it.
Nothing is Safe Anymore

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A Crafting Party

Happy Birthday Anna! I hope you had a fun party, a party that was uniquely you, surrounded by people that love you who came to celebrate you and join you in doing what you love to do.