Yesterday while her sisters slept Anna got out her bird puzzle from Nona and Grandpa and we had fun putting it together. She needed some hints as we went but I was impressed how much of it she could do herself now:

"Yay! I did it! It's all finished, Mommy!"

And yes, we do have a new dining room table! I love it. We can all sit around a table to eat now! I have the girl's chairs against the wall and we keep the table pushed up against the wall when we're not using it to conserve space. It feels like we doubled our countertop and work space overnight.

Anna is wearing Mitch's grandfather's hat in these pictures. I love that it fits her and she likes it. Here the two girls are at a full sprint going through together giggling the whole time:

They were both soaking wet by the end, truly really, really wet :). This is not the normal Family Housing sprinklers when they water the grass around here that jet the water out hard to reach all the way across the lawns, this is just our own personal hose and sprinkler that I have turned on low. I think it's gentle enough that even Josie likes it. What would you say?